I am so over the moon excited to announce that my very first book Sweet Surrender – The Island Series Book One published today on Amazon. It’s available as an ebook and in Kindle Unlimited. I’m working on creating a paperback version, too, since I’ve always been a paperback kind of girl.

I first published part of this book (the first 14 chapters) on Literotica to see if there’d be interest in this type of story. It was also my first real dive into the erotic romance market. I was pleasantly surprised by all the positive feedback and comments along with how many were reading it. I’ve since had to pull it off Literotica since Amazon demands exclusivity but I will always be appreciative of Literotica for helping me to gain the confidence to keep moving forward with this project.
Two more books (and possibly more) are in the works for this series. Book Two will be published in September and Book Three will be published in October. Both books are finished and in final edits. I’m so excited to get all three books out for all of you. Only my beta readers have read books two and three but they have loved them. I hope you do, too!!
If you do happen to read my book, please rate it and leave a review on Amazon. Reviews will help boost my placement on Amazon and help my book look more legit. Thanks!!!
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