This includes everything I ramble about except my novels and short stories. For those, visit my writing page.

the erotic inner circle is ending…for now

i am sad to announce that the erotic inner circle as we know it will be ending effective january 31, 2023. i received a very important email this week from the platform provider informing me that they're no longer supporting their basic (free) plan. they invited me to...

how to release yourself from bondage

how to release yourself from bondage

it's been an intense past few months for me. it seems like as soon as i recover from one thing, something else happens. i'm sure you can relate.  one thing, probably the major thing, that drew me to bdsm dynamics is the ability of the submissive to let go. it's...



To celebrate the one year anniversaries of the Island Series, I'm giving away all three books (personalized and signed by me!). I'm so excited to have this series out into the world and want to share it with you. TO ENTER:✅ Follow @kinkyinkpress and @eroticwritergirl...

my truth

i'm art journaling - something i love to do. it's another extension of my creativity. it allows me to create intuitively without worrying about outcomes since it's only for me. i have a couple of "normal" art journals and then i have my submissive art journal which is...

i’m obsessed with sexist ads!

it must be the submissive in me but i’m totally obsessed with sexist ads. i know they’re not “right” and i feel bad for the women of the time who had to put up with them (like my mom) but there’s something about them that just turns me on. i believe 100% in equality...

i created an erotic inner circle

i created an erotic inner circle

i’ve always loved the idea of community. i’ve been fortunate to be part of several different types of communities during my life (writing, spiritual, etc.) and have always gotten so much out of it. I’ve been yearning to be part of a powerful community again and...

vote for your favorite cover!

i need your help! i want to expand my cover options for my popular submissive planner and need to know which ones are your favs. i currently offer it in white leather but i’m curious what you think about the others. please vote in the comments below!...

happy new year

i can't believe it's almost halfway through the first month of the year. i'm happy that the days are slowly getting longer (i'm in michigan) and the sun has been making a surprise appearance. the writing hasn't been flowing as much as i'd like. i gave myself...

what it means to surrender

i've been exploring the dynamics of submission and what it means to surrender for several years, both sexually and spiritually, but it isn't until recently that i've begun to discover for myself exactly what it means to surrender. it started out with an urge to...

happy birthday to my hubby

happy birthday to my hubby

what started out as a way to wish my husband happy birthday tomorrow turned into several hours of thinking up the most salacious and racy things i could do for him. i created a sexy submissive oriented coupon book for him complete with 50 different coupons – some that...

happy birthday to me!

happy birthday to me!

i'm not even going to begin to tell you how old i am but i will say it's a milestone birthday. i can't believe how quickly the time flies by. it makes me acutely aware that i must make every moment count. i am so grateful to have you as part of my eroticwritergirl...

learning to let go

you may be very surprised to learn that i'm a total control freak. i love love love to be control to the point where when i'm not in control, i get super upset and anxious. i have slowly learned over the years how to let go of my death grip on control because i know...

The Island Series Book Two coming soon!

Luke and Annabelle’s story couldn’t end with just one book. I’m excited to announce that Sweet Submission – The Island Series Book Two will be coming out on Friday September 25, 2020. Annabelle had given up everything to come to the island where women are...


the reviews are starting to come in for my new erotic romance Sweet Surrender. as expected, people either love it (my people) or don't understand it (not my people). i truly love to explore the different depths and nuances of female submission and i know this book has...


updated 8.29.23 i am always in a state of research and exploration as I dive deeper into my erotica writing. here are some of my favorite things that I’ve discovered along the way. i’m always open to learning more so don’t be shy to drop a comment below. if I like it,...

i plan to be unapologetic

I’ve spent a lot of my life worrying what other people will think of me but I’m finally ready to stop that nonsense. Last year I spent the year with the intention of having fun and playing (and that’s how I started writing erotica). This year I’m going to adopt the...

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Join my mailing list so you don’t miss a thing. I send out notifications of new books and new short stories as well as fun links to things I find interesting. I promise not to spam you!! I send emails only a few times a month at most. Cancel at any time.