I’m so excited to announce that Sweet Obedience – The Island Series Book Three has published today! To celebrate, I’m offering Sweet Surrender – The Island Series Book One for only 99¢ for TODAY ONLY. It’ll go up to $1.99 tomorrow, $2.99 on Sunday and then back to its full price on Monday.

You can read the first chapter of Sweet Obedience here. Discover how Riley navigates her relationship with Luke now that she’s feels like a third wheel in their relationship.
Here’s one of the first reviews from one of my advanced readers:
These books just keep getting better and better with each book. More development and the characters are great with amazing chemistry! Highly recommend this series!
I’m excited to get started on book four. I’ll be doing NaNoWriMo again this November. It’s a great way to kick off writing a book. I’m thinking book four will be Olivia’s story (she’s introduced in Sweet Obedience) so stay tuned!! Things are getting HOT.
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