by eroticwritergirl | Sep 30, 2022 | play writing
he tightened the blindfold around her eyes, blocking out the chaos of the room. “this will help,” he whispered into her ear. “i don’t want you distracted. i want you fully in the moment, fully present. can you do that?” she nodded. “words, my love,” he said. “yes,...
by eroticwritergirl | Sep 28, 2022 | play writing
she walked in the door and smiled as soon as she spotted him. he was sitting in the far corner away from all the action, a smirk on his face. she knew by the nearly empty drink sitting in front of him that he had been waiting a while. she liked that. she liked the...
by eroticwritergirl | Sep 20, 2022 | play writing
she gave up everything she had. she knew it was the right choice but it still scared the crap out of her. she knew there was no going back. she had signed over her rights, given up everything she owned and burned a few bridges in the process. she had nothing to go...
by eroticwritergirl | Sep 19, 2022 | play writing
she stepped into the bar unsure what to expect. she held her breath as she looked around, almost not wanting to see him there. there was something about him that intrigued her, that made her think naughty thoughts, that made her want to push boundaries and she wasn’t...
by eroticwritergirl | Jun 9, 2022 | snippets, the writing
I’m back to writing!! YEA!! Here’s a little something I started this week. Enjoy! Comments are much appreciated. He slipped the blindfold over my eyes and whispered, “You’re beautiful. I will be here the entire time. Enjoy this moment. This is all for...
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