Here are the latest novel excerpts, short stories and snippets. Not finding what you want? Use the search below to discover buried stories with the themes you want.

a whole collection of hot new stories for you

a whole collection of hot new stories for you

i just published never before seen short erotic stories and snippets from the past four years along with exclusive sneak peeks at my longer pieces on my brand new eroticwritergirl patreon.  i’ll be posting brand new shorts and sometimes longer...

in bed

I’m laying in bed with nothing on, my naked body brushed up against the sheets, wishing I was brushed up against you. Your arm lazily around me as I rest my head on your shoulder, smiling up at you. Our eyes connected as we talk about our day, about life, about all...

give into it

give into it, he whispered into my ear, making me shiver with anticipation. there had been a lot of build-up to this day, to this moment, and it was finally here. he was finally going to give me my wish, my every desire. i blushed at the thought as he eased the straps...

the escape

the mist started to lift as she ran through the forest, her breath heavy, her steps light. she kept glancing back, certain she was being followed. she didn’t think she would ever escape them but once she saw her chance, she knew she had to take it. there was no way...

the blindfold

he tightened the blindfold around her eyes, blocking out the chaos of the room. “this will help,” he whispered into her ear. “i don’t want you distracted. i want you fully in the moment, fully present. can you do that?” she nodded. “words, my love,” he said. “yes,...

bar meeting

she walked in the door and smiled as soon as she spotted him. he was sitting in the far corner away from all the action, a smirk on his face. she knew by the nearly empty drink sitting in front of him that he had been waiting a while. she liked that. she liked the...


she gave up everything she had. she knew it was the right choice but it still scared the crap out of her. she knew there was no going back. she had signed over her rights, given up everything she owned and burned a few bridges in the process. she had nothing to go...

meeting at the bar

she stepped into the bar unsure what to expect. she held her breath as she looked around, almost not wanting to see him there. there was something about him that intrigued her, that made her think naughty thoughts, that made her want to push boundaries and she wasn’t...

a little something

I'm back to writing!! YEA!! Here's a little something I started this week. Enjoy! Comments are much appreciated. He slipped the blindfold over my eyes and whispered, “You’re beautiful. I will be here the entire time. Enjoy this moment. This is all for you.” My heart...

possibly something new

i started writing again in december. i wrote this while playing around and i think it could be the start of something more. i'd love to hear your thoughts. i have no idea where it's going to go yet although i have some ideas. i love when i let the writing tells me...



To celebrate the one year anniversaries of the Island Series, I'm giving away all three books (personalized and signed by me!). I'm so excited to have this series out into the world and want to share it with you. TO ENTER:✅ Follow @kinkyinkpress and @eroticwritergirl...

Get Sweet Obedience free this weekend only!

Get Sweet Obedience free this weekend only!

I can't believe it's been one year since I published Sweet Obedience. This is Book Three in the Island Series and, at this point, the final book (although I've toyed with writing more for this series). You can get it for free this weekend on Amazon and/or get the...

happy anniversary sweet surrender!

happy anniversary sweet surrender!

i can't believe it's been one year already since i published sweet surrender, book one of the island series. to celebrate, i'm offering the kindle version for free all weekend on amazon and 25% off the paperback version (signed!) on etsy. offer good...

happy new year

i can't believe it's almost halfway through the first month of the year. i'm happy that the days are slowly getting longer (i'm in michigan) and the sun has been making a surprise appearance. the writing hasn't been flowing as much as i'd like. i gave myself...

Sweet Obedience published today!!

I’m so excited to announce that Sweet Obedience – The Island Series Book Three has published today! To celebrate, I’m offering Sweet Surrender – The Island Series Book One for only 99¢ for TODAY ONLY. It’ll go up to $1.99 tomorrow, $2.99 on Sunday...

sweet obedience – an exclusive sneak peek

Here's an exclusive sneak peek of my latest book Sweet Obedience - The Island Series Book Three. It publishes on Amazon on October 23, 2020. You can pre-order your copy now! If you want to read it now, join my advanced reader team. If you haven't read Sweet Surrender...

it’s a sweet submission

the clock is ticking down until sweet submission - book two of the island series releases tomorrow. it's the second book i've published ever and i'm super excited. i also happen to be publishing it on my birthday which makes it that much sweeter. some of the advanced...

The Island Series Book Two coming soon!

Luke and Annabelle’s story couldn’t end with just one book. I’m excited to announce that Sweet Submission – The Island Series Book Two will be coming out on Friday September 25, 2020. Annabelle had given up everything to come to the island where women are...


they blindfolded me the moment i walked in, sending me into darkness. they secured my hands behind my back with cuffs that clicked together before ripping off my thin dress, leaving me standing before them in nothing but heels. “she’ll do,” one of them said. a rough...

Sweet Surrender published today!

I am so over the moon excited to announce that my very first book Sweet Surrender – The Island Series Book One published today on Amazon. It’s available as an ebook and in Kindle Unlimited. I’m working on creating a paperback version, too, since I’ve always...

sweet surrender – the island series book 1

This is an exclusive peek at the first book in my new island series to be published in August 2020. This series was inspired by a conversation I stumbled on around what would life be like if men ruled over women and women were thought to be inferior and only good for...

quick + dirty

This story truly is quick and dirty. It’s something I wrote in 15 minutes then spent the next day and a half editing. Enjoy. She closed her eyes and took the cock in her mouth. She savored the weight of it on her tongue, the pungent saltiness, as she opened her mouth...

his new year’s eve gift

My master dressed me in my favorite black lace garter belt before sliding black fishnet stockings up my lean legs and attaching them to the belt. He inhaled my scent as his nose neared my aroused cunt. I shivered with anticipation, wanting him to bury his face in...

a night at the boss’s house

I didn’t know it was coming.  Phil had invited me to a dinner party at his boss’s house telling me his boss had been enchanted by me at the holiday party and wanted to get to know me better one on one. I thought his boss was a charming man so I readily agreed....

a slave for the day (with friends)

I made a silly bet with my boyfriend last weekend. We were goofing around, watching college football. His team was behind by a touchdown, it was the bottom of the fourth, and I felt there was no way in hell they were going to win. I was razing him about it, talking...

her test

The blindfold slipped easily over my eyes, plunging me into darkness. I felt vulnerable and raw all at once, unsure about what was going to happen next. I had put myself completely in his hands and, even though I fully trusted him, I knew he liked to push me. He...

the way i worship

This is a 10 minute free writing snippet/scene. I’m going to start writing more of these. They’re fun to write and share. The way I worship is blind. I walked into the bar not knowing. I might as well have been blindfolded. Smoke filled the air, invading my lungs, as...

her only purpose

This is from my snippet collection - quick little short stories. her mind was blank as he rammed his cock into her again and again. she was spread eagle, her ankles secured with straps, tied so she was completely open, completely exposed, to the many men in the room....


This is part of my snippet collection - quick short stories. She gave up her rights the moment she walked through the door.  They had her sign a contract before they bound her hands behind her back, stripped her of her dress and left her standing in nothing but...

the beach

This is part of my snippet collection - quick little short stories. she collected shells in one hand, her top held together by a singular button, her breasts on full display the way she liked it. she loved coming to this beach, so secluded and away from the prying...

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